Saturday, October 20, 2007

Walkin in a winter wonderland!

To say that this time of year is my favorite is the understatment of the century. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!! We get to spend time with family talking about what we're grateful for, not to mention great food and friends. Some would say that you have to wait until after Thanksgiving to start celebrating Christmas but I'm a firm believer that they go hand in hand. I mean what is there to be more grateful for then Christ and His birth, life, and sacrafice for you and I. Without those 3 things, I'm not sure just where my life would be these days. So as we approach this wonderful time of year I am most excited. We woke up this morning to a gentle snow fall which lasted through most of the day. I was so warm and cozy that we put on Christmas music and danced and sang. It was wonderful. I took some pictures of our wonderland to share. Enjoy!

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