HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We had a great day here at the Hadley household. It was Kena's first trick or treat and she loved it. We got the kids all dressed and walked around the cul de sac before it got dark. It was beautiful weather and we didnt even had to wear jackets. We got to the first house and Kenadee was completely amazed and people would give her candy just for being there. It was so much fun to watch her figure it out. Trace really enjoyed himself too, but his favorite part was the passing out of candy. In fact, between trick or treaters he pretended to pass out candy. It was so much fun. I think we had more trick or treaters then we have had in our entire married life combined. Cory had to go buy candy in the middle of the night and we still almost ran out. We have a handful of tootsie rolls left. It was a crazy night but lots of fun. Here's hoping you all had an equally haunting good time!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Its been a while!
My goodness things around here have been crazy! Or at least I think they have. I can't put my finger on what it has been but my life has felt very hairy! Maybe its being a mommy of 3, or perhaps its the wife and housekeeping side. Whatever it is, I'm back now.
Cory is pluggin along with his MBA and we're hoping that he'll have all his papers done by Thanksgiving. we'll have to see how it goes. He just finished up a huge audit at work and we're grateful to have him at home at more regular hours.
Trace is going on his 3rd week with not to many accidents. I just need to help him understand that he can be potty trained outside the walls of our home. He seems to struggle when we leave home. But other then that he's doing well. He's very excited to be a T-rex tonight and I must admit that trick or treating will be fun this year cause he'll actually understand it.
Kenadee keeps me on my toes. My goodness I don't think that little girl will ever slow down. she's constantly running around the house and getting into mischief. But she's a sweet heart too. I love that little girl. When she decides to cuddle it warms my heart!
Jaxson is doing well too. he's sleeping through most of the nights now and he's smiling and laughing. It's so cute to seem him learning new things. He is adored (sometimes a little to much) but his big brother and sister, and he endures it well. HAHA
I too am doing just fine. I've recently started reading the Kingdom and the Crown series by Gerald Lund again and I love it. It makes me feel so much closer to my Savior and those who lived at the time he did. What awesome books.
Well it is time for naps so I will close. I'll post more pictures later of Halloween. Love you all!
Cory is pluggin along with his MBA and we're hoping that he'll have all his papers done by Thanksgiving. we'll have to see how it goes. He just finished up a huge audit at work and we're grateful to have him at home at more regular hours.
Trace is going on his 3rd week with not to many accidents. I just need to help him understand that he can be potty trained outside the walls of our home. He seems to struggle when we leave home. But other then that he's doing well. He's very excited to be a T-rex tonight and I must admit that trick or treating will be fun this year cause he'll actually understand it.
Kenadee keeps me on my toes. My goodness I don't think that little girl will ever slow down. she's constantly running around the house and getting into mischief. But she's a sweet heart too. I love that little girl. When she decides to cuddle it warms my heart!
Jaxson is doing well too. he's sleeping through most of the nights now and he's smiling and laughing. It's so cute to seem him learning new things. He is adored (sometimes a little to much) but his big brother and sister, and he endures it well. HAHA
I too am doing just fine. I've recently started reading the Kingdom and the Crown series by Gerald Lund again and I love it. It makes me feel so much closer to my Savior and those who lived at the time he did. What awesome books.
Well it is time for naps so I will close. I'll post more pictures later of Halloween. Love you all!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
It's play-doh time!
We busted out the playdoh today and man did we have fun. I love that we get to have fun play time together. We made cakes, and cookies, and even a fruit basket. It was a ton of fun. I'm posting pictures of our "playdoh" noses.
Thats right ladies and gentlemen, we all had inexpesive and colorful nose jobs today. Looks like that Degree is paying off afterall! *wink*
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Walkin in a winter wonderland!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Happy Healthty Little Ones!
We had a doctors appointment yesterday for Jaxson and Kenadee and I'm glad to report that we are all happy and healthy. We've recently switched pediatricians and this was our first visit with Doctor Ching. We love her! She was sweet and attentive and really seems to care about the kids (unlike our first pediatrician here in WY).
Jaxson now weighs 12 lbs 1 oz and is a happy little boy. He handled immunizations well and she says he looks wonderful. He's in the 50th percentile for length and weight, but his head is off the charts at 120%!! Funny huh.
Kena is 21 lbs and again very happy and healthy. Shes at the 10th percentile for height and weight and again is in the 97% for head size! The doctor said she was glad their heads didn't look as big as they actually are because they'd be crazy disproportionate. It was funny.
Jaxson now weighs 12 lbs 1 oz and is a happy little boy. He handled immunizations well and she says he looks wonderful. He's in the 50th percentile for length and weight, but his head is off the charts at 120%!! Funny huh.
Kena is 21 lbs and again very happy and healthy. Shes at the 10th percentile for height and weight and again is in the 97% for head size! The doctor said she was glad their heads didn't look as big as they actually are because they'd be crazy disproportionate. It was funny.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sweet baby smiles
Friday, October 12, 2007
Stampin saves my sanity
Yesterday had been some sort of day. After having sick kids, a semi sick me, and accomplishing nothing around my house I felt like I was slowly losing my mind. What a relief it is to have a sweet husband who will take our children for a few hours a month so that I can stamp. It's a great place to go and unwind, and Susan (my stampin up demonstrator) is awesome. I take Jaxson with me and the grandma in her kicks in and I just get to sit back and enjoy my craft time. Needless to say stampin up saves my sanity.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Fun for the Fall!
The colors are changing on the trees, the smell in the air is crisp, and it's a beautiful fall here in Mountain View. I just love this time of year. It's so beautiful and best of all it puts us one step closer to Christmas! This is a picture I took out our dining room window that I thought I'd share.
And here of course are the kidlets. Only the second time I've actually gotten them to sit still long enough to give me a picture. They've been angels the last couple of days and it's wonderful. Oh and PS Trace has gone 3 days without an accident! Woo Hoo. Looks like backing off has paid off dividends! Thank you all for the advice!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Baby Vogue!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Today we had a great visit from Aunt Kira. The kids loved having her here and I must admit it was a life saver for me as well. Cory has been out of town for a couple of days and it was nice to have another adult around.
Here's a pic of her with the kids, and one of Kena on the steps that was to cute to pass up! Oh and just as a side note. bout 10 minutes after this picture was taken, Trace got stung by a bee on his ear! OUCH! Needless to say I panicked. The last time I was stung by a bee I was 4 so I had no idea what to do. So I'd like to publicly thank Aunt Gena and Grandma for helping me out with the details, and to Jalyn, who called to make sure all was ok when she saw that I'd call. I love you all!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Our little T-Rex
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
This is my little cry for help. I'm at the end of my rope and I just don't know what to do. We had Trace completely potty trained before Jaxson was born. By this I mean he was accident free for almost 2 months before. Well then Jaxson was born and it's like haveing 3 kids in diapers again. I've tried everything that I can think of. We've bribed him, we've praised, we've even let him sit in it (Horrible I know) and none of it works for more then a day. I know he can do it because he did before and I'm feeling horribly frustrated. Please if anyone has any suggestions at all it would be greatly appreciated!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Ok I'll I've been tagged by my sweet roomie from college, Miss Laurie. So here I go.
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Well lets see, I would have been just starting my Sophomore year of high school, which means that I would have been at the peak of my pudge. That's right I was a pretty chunky kid in high school for any of you who didn't know me, but the following summer I would get a job and lose a good 60 lbs. Woo hoo for carrying around 50 lb boxes for Alco.
That was also the year that I met my dear friend Jami. She was one of the few people who got me through the troubles and drama of high school. In fact, she is the one friend from high school that I still speak to on a regular basis.
That was also the year that I started to butt heads with my mommy, probably one of my biggest regrets. She and I had similar personalities and we clashed on a lot of things. I think that was the year I decided to go to school out of state (Not because of Mom), which is where I met my hubby so I guess it was a good year for me.
2. What were you doing 5 years ago?
Ahh 5 years ago I was 1 year and 2 months into Cory's mission and probably and more then a little excited about being that close to it all being over. I was starting what would be my last year of school and trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life. I was living in a basement apartment on Richards St in Sugarhouse with sweet Piper (Whom I haven't heard from in forever, totally not her fault cause I lost touch) We were having a ball! I believe we had defied our landlord and gotten a kitten (she would turn out to be the fatest cat I'd ever seen) and I lived in mortal fear of being caught with her. Let that be a lesson to all of you, breaking the rules doesn't pay. I think at the time I was working in the Westminster College bakery, or I may have started working for Deseret Book by then. Either way I didn't really enjoy work, but it got me through the days.
3. One year ago...
We had just moved to Wyoming and were settling into our new home and ward. It was a blessing to be working for such a good company and still is. Our ward was incredible too. I'd just been called to be the ward Music Director, and was just getting to know my neighbor Jamie! She and I have since become very close friends and I treasure the fact that Heavenly Father placed her in my life as "not only your neighbor, but my Visiting Teacher and Friend"(as she would say).
I had just found out that we were expecting Jaxson and I was scared out of my wits! Let's just say we didn't expect him and I was nervous about having 3 under 3. I was speaking to my mom everyday and soaking up all the advice she could offer. It would be about 4 months later that we would find out her cancer was back, and only 4 short months after that (can it really have only been 4 months) that we would lose her. If I'd known then what I know now, I would have spent way more time with her. I would have talked about more important things with her, as opposed to diaper rash and how my pants were fitting that day. I think I would have asked her to teach me some of the incredible things that she could do (like knitting and cooking) and I would have been making videos of her. That's one of the things that gets me the most. My kids won't remember her and I worry sometimes that my memories just aren't going to be enough for them. And now that I've brought the mood down, next question please!
4. Yesterday...
Yesterday I did not much of anything. Jaxson was pretty fussy and had an upset tummy, so I did lots of walking around and shushing. I did find time for a rousing game of Candy Land and Hi Ho Cherry-o though. I also cleaned my house (not that you can tell today) and helped Cory write a paper. Not a terribly exciting day I guess. I did test out our new paint color in the bathroom and am sooo excited to have it all done.
5. 5 snacks I enjoy
1. Fruit, any kind
2. Rice Cakes, especially the unflavored ones (weird huh, I must have a thing for Styrofoam)
3. Chocolate, again any kind
4. pretzels
5. Peanut butter power balls (my mom use to make them when I was little. Peanut butter, honey, raisins, oatmeal, very tasty)
6. 5 things I would do with a million dollars...
That's a hard one, I'd probably buy a new house, pay off the one we're in, get us out of debt, and then go on a real family vacation (not to someone elses' house). If there were left overs I'd buy Trace a horse. Living in WY has made him quite he cowboy and he would really like to ride one, and I wouldn't mind myself.
7. 5 places I'd run away to
1. Heaven (is that possible)
2. Europe (any country)
3. NM to see my Dad
4. ummmm we really have to come up with 5?
5. I don't know, I guess I'd like to go to NY sometime, yeah lets go with NY
8. 5 TV shows I like
1. Americas Next Top Model (it's my guilty pleasure)
2. Lost
3. Heroes
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon on Nickolodeon that I'm so addicted to)
5. Anything on Food Network
9. 5 things I hate doing
1. Washing the cheese grater (did that this morning so it's on my mind)
2. Washing Children (ever tried to bathe 3 kids in time to leave the house by noon, its nearly impossible)
3. Cleaning that bathroom!
4. paying over $2.59 for gas, this time last year it was $1.89 here. BLAH!
5. Laundry
10. 5 people I tag
1. Mandy
2. Jami
3. Kira
4. Diane
5. hmmm any takers!
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Well lets see, I would have been just starting my Sophomore year of high school, which means that I would have been at the peak of my pudge. That's right I was a pretty chunky kid in high school for any of you who didn't know me, but the following summer I would get a job and lose a good 60 lbs. Woo hoo for carrying around 50 lb boxes for Alco.
That was also the year that I met my dear friend Jami. She was one of the few people who got me through the troubles and drama of high school. In fact, she is the one friend from high school that I still speak to on a regular basis.
That was also the year that I started to butt heads with my mommy, probably one of my biggest regrets. She and I had similar personalities and we clashed on a lot of things. I think that was the year I decided to go to school out of state (Not because of Mom), which is where I met my hubby so I guess it was a good year for me.
2. What were you doing 5 years ago?
Ahh 5 years ago I was 1 year and 2 months into Cory's mission and probably and more then a little excited about being that close to it all being over. I was starting what would be my last year of school and trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life. I was living in a basement apartment on Richards St in Sugarhouse with sweet Piper (Whom I haven't heard from in forever, totally not her fault cause I lost touch) We were having a ball! I believe we had defied our landlord and gotten a kitten (she would turn out to be the fatest cat I'd ever seen) and I lived in mortal fear of being caught with her. Let that be a lesson to all of you, breaking the rules doesn't pay. I think at the time I was working in the Westminster College bakery, or I may have started working for Deseret Book by then. Either way I didn't really enjoy work, but it got me through the days.
3. One year ago...
We had just moved to Wyoming and were settling into our new home and ward. It was a blessing to be working for such a good company and still is. Our ward was incredible too. I'd just been called to be the ward Music Director, and was just getting to know my neighbor Jamie! She and I have since become very close friends and I treasure the fact that Heavenly Father placed her in my life as "not only your neighbor, but my Visiting Teacher and Friend"(as she would say).
I had just found out that we were expecting Jaxson and I was scared out of my wits! Let's just say we didn't expect him and I was nervous about having 3 under 3. I was speaking to my mom everyday and soaking up all the advice she could offer. It would be about 4 months later that we would find out her cancer was back, and only 4 short months after that (can it really have only been 4 months) that we would lose her. If I'd known then what I know now, I would have spent way more time with her. I would have talked about more important things with her, as opposed to diaper rash and how my pants were fitting that day. I think I would have asked her to teach me some of the incredible things that she could do (like knitting and cooking) and I would have been making videos of her. That's one of the things that gets me the most. My kids won't remember her and I worry sometimes that my memories just aren't going to be enough for them. And now that I've brought the mood down, next question please!
4. Yesterday...
Yesterday I did not much of anything. Jaxson was pretty fussy and had an upset tummy, so I did lots of walking around and shushing. I did find time for a rousing game of Candy Land and Hi Ho Cherry-o though. I also cleaned my house (not that you can tell today) and helped Cory write a paper. Not a terribly exciting day I guess. I did test out our new paint color in the bathroom and am sooo excited to have it all done.
5. 5 snacks I enjoy
1. Fruit, any kind
2. Rice Cakes, especially the unflavored ones (weird huh, I must have a thing for Styrofoam)
3. Chocolate, again any kind
4. pretzels
5. Peanut butter power balls (my mom use to make them when I was little. Peanut butter, honey, raisins, oatmeal, very tasty)
6. 5 things I would do with a million dollars...
That's a hard one, I'd probably buy a new house, pay off the one we're in, get us out of debt, and then go on a real family vacation (not to someone elses' house). If there were left overs I'd buy Trace a horse. Living in WY has made him quite he cowboy and he would really like to ride one, and I wouldn't mind myself.
7. 5 places I'd run away to
1. Heaven (is that possible)
2. Europe (any country)
3. NM to see my Dad
4. ummmm we really have to come up with 5?
5. I don't know, I guess I'd like to go to NY sometime, yeah lets go with NY
8. 5 TV shows I like
1. Americas Next Top Model (it's my guilty pleasure)
2. Lost
3. Heroes
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon on Nickolodeon that I'm so addicted to)
5. Anything on Food Network
9. 5 things I hate doing
1. Washing the cheese grater (did that this morning so it's on my mind)
2. Washing Children (ever tried to bathe 3 kids in time to leave the house by noon, its nearly impossible)
3. Cleaning that bathroom!
4. paying over $2.59 for gas, this time last year it was $1.89 here. BLAH!
5. Laundry
10. 5 people I tag
1. Mandy
2. Jami
3. Kira
4. Diane
5. hmmm any takers!
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