Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Christmas Video for you...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I guess it worked!
As a side note, some of the more observant amongst you may have noticed that we have 2 baby Jesus' in our nativity this year. Our first baby we believed was flushed within hours of his arrival at our home, and what's a nativity without a baby Jesus. So I quickly hoped on line and found a replacement Jesus from a different set. That baby came yesterday and today I located our other Jesus, under the board games in the closet (why didn't I think to look there!). So now we have a spare!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sometimes, in the middle of an ordinary life...
Of course I couldn't eat, I was to excited to eat, but my sweet Dad thought I should eat something. So as I headed out the door to the hair place he passed me a string cheese and a boiled egg. Sweet Daddy! Thankfully my dear friend Kira had a slim fast in her car. It was probably easier on my tummy.
We got my hair done and met my parents at the temple. I remember that as we were walking out of the parking garage, I looked across the street and there he was! The man of my dreams, my happily ever after. He looked so good in his suit.
We walked into the temple that day together as two individuals and came out as one. The blessings of that day have carried on and I'm so grateful for a man who was able to take me to the temple and promise me forever. It was a glorious day, so cold that everyone else was in coats, but I was nothing but warm and happy. Even our videographer commented that he had never seen a more smiley couple. It's true! My cheeks hurt so much by the end of that day but it was worth it!
I love you R. You are my best friend and my favorite boy! Thank you for 6 amazing years and here's to forever!
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Season of JOY
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Chocolate Carmel Corn
Friday, November 13, 2009
I need to remember...
I've been following Paul Cardall's blog (link on the side bar) and he posted a quote this evening that I'm going to put on my bathroom mirror, a gentle reminder of what my kids should feel.
"All you need in your life is a mother who loves you and you have within you the power to become a giant among men."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
He sits!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A few random shots
6 Month Old Mason
Pumpkins are like rabbits...
Every Jack-o-lantern from the neighborhood made it's way into our yard and they were all looking at our house. In years past the neighborhood kids had smashed our pumpkins, but apparently this year we got the extra special treat of having to throw away 30 some odd pumpkins. The joys of Halloween right!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Happenings
I have been struggling to get pictures to upload, but I was successful on facebook so I've included the link above to view our photos.
October was a fun month around our house. We went to Salt Lake and went to a pumpkin patch with Grandma and Grandpa Hadley. The kids had a blast wandering through the pumpkins and deciding which one they wanted. Then we brought them home and "carved" them. We found a handy little kit where the kids were able to put pegs in their pumpkins. Then on Halloween we'll put candles inside and the pegs will glow. Should be lots of fun.
Then last night we went to a friends house for a halloween party. We've got a Wizard/Princess this year. She wanted to be a wizard all year and then last sunday, after talking to her friend Paige, decided that maybe a princess was better. So she's covered in glitter, with a girly wand, and a wizards cape (phew!). At least she's happy right?!?
Trace is a vampire and he loves that he's scary! Jax is a spider this year and figured out pretty quickly that those extra limbs come in handy for knocking things down. And then Mason is a skeleton. Check out the pictures. They are darn cute if I do say so myself.
Happy Spookin'!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
He's Officially OLD!!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I have good kids...
So this morning my pride in my children went up a notch. They decided that they wanted to give some toys to friends who might not have them. So we got out all of our toys (6 toy boxes full) and dumped them on the ground. We sorted and played a little, and ultimately narrowed down our toys from 6 to 3 toy boxes. They picked lots of toys to send to DI so that someone else's Christmas might be a little brighter. Kena even picked some of her favorite dolls to send because "I have enough mommy!"
I'm bursting with pride in my kids this morning. I'm glad that they have sympathy for their friends who need a hand. I'm blessed that they have been able to see the need in the world at their little ages and that they want to help. I love my kids and I am blessed!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hadley Happenings!
Cory is still pugging along with his Masters Degree and will be done in December (Big Sigh of RELIEF!!). He's been really busy with work and getting ready for an audit. He was gone for a whole week and we're so happy to have him back. We're getting ready to celebrate his 28th Birthday next week and it'll be fun to tease him about being an old man for 2 months until I join him!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Trace is 5!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
No David
I asked the kids to help keep the baby happy while I finished they read him No David. Thomas this is for you!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Mason vs. the box!
Tonight for family home evening we made Rice Krispie Treats. It was a really fun lesson. Mom and Dad were the butter and marshmallow's and we were "sealed" together in the temple (or microwave) then all our of our kids were put in with us (the rice krispies) and we all stuck because we were sealed together as a family. Very fun and the kids all learned from it.
Well when we were done we were putting the finishing touches on the treats and Mason started knocking over the box of krispies. He was so darn cute and excited about it. Every time it fell he shook with happiness. What a doll!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
First day of school
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Well Kids
Jaxson is in the 97% for his head size. the 50% for weight (32 lbs), and the 50% for height. He is doing well and the doctor is super impressed with his language skills. Apparently they are more typical of a 3 year old. He's happy and healthy and we love him!
Mason is in the 95% for head size, the 25% for his weight (14 lbs), and the 5% for height although I'm not sure that one is correct because he was awfully squirmy and he looks longer then that to me. He impressed the doctor with being able to sit up and roll over, and he babbled at her like it was going out of style. He too is happy and healthy.
I'll post pictures later of these little milestones. I can hardly believe how quickly my babies are growing up around me!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A house of many colors!
I stand corrected!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ode to a Mouse Hunter
And all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Except for a MOUSE!
The children were nestled,
All snug in their seat,
When the cry from the kitchen,
Rang loudly…”RETREAT!”
The kitty, a toy,
For his pleasure had found,
And the Momma’s cry,
From the walls did resound.
Then what from the driveway,
Did her happy ears hear?
But the sound of a mouse hunter,
It calmed most of her fear.
He came into the house,
With a broom and a cup,
And proceed to find and,
Scoop the mousy right up.
The homestead was safe,
From the mousy once more,
Thanks to the Hunter,
Who peace did restore!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
It's a PRIDE thing!
Cute boy!
Monday, August 3, 2009
My Big Birthday Boy
1. He's the funniest little man, from his waddling run, to his funny little saying (telling Daddy when he plays with toys "dat's not yours" and saying "WHOA" whenever we give him his dinner). He keeps us laughing all day long.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I love to see the Temple.
This bench is at the Chapel to the West of the temple. Its a darling little bench that says "I love to see the temple: Donated by and in behalf of the children in this area."
Our kiddo's on the bench at the chapel across the street.
The bench with the temple behind them.
What a Glorious Feeling I'm Happy Again!
Then we went to dinner. Good food and good company, what other kind of dinner do you need. We were giddy, goofy, and laughed through our whole meal. We finished the evening with shopping. It was awesome! I'm so greatful to have such wonderful in-laws. I never feel out of place or uncomfortable. They're my family and I love them! Thanks girls for an amazing time!