Jack - o - lantern. BOO
This week has been full of Halloween goodness. Wednesday afternoon we went to a party with some other little people in town and it was so much fun. The kids decorated cookies, played the hokie pokie and just had an all around good time.
Then Thursday we went to story time and did some trick or treating at the senior center. Then last night we walked our neighborhood and had an all around good time. The only down side to our night was that some dumb kids looking for a good time smashed our pumpkins! Poor Trace was heart broken! Oh well, what can you do!
fun, fun, fun. Tell Trace, RRRRRRRR Matey.
Cuteness and fun! Looks like they had a good time!
We have, in the past, been the vicitms of pumpkin smashers too. Little nerds (or big jerks!). Ours survived this year but you can never be too careful. We usually bring them in at night.
Anyway, kiss your babies for me!
Our old neighborhood was the worst for the smashing pumpkins (no pun intended). We got to the point where we carved that evening and only put them out that night. Even still they were snatched. I loved your pictures; the Hadley Handful are so cute! LOVE!!
How do you a rabbit and a lion to stand that close and smile while a pirate stands and watchs? DAD
your pumpkins looked great! We didn't have any smashers come by our house... So sorry to hear that! We had a great time at the party with you last night - we need to get together more often! If you want to follow our blog, email me and I'll send you an invite: thelemons@prodigy.net
Sweet Annie. Thank you so much for the cute pictures you put on your blog. Helps me to not miss out on so much with your kids. They are so sweet and cute. I enjoy reading about what you are doing.
Love Grandma Helen
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