Sunday, May 31, 2009

I've been reading Daughters of God, and awesome book by M. Russels Ballard. I found another quote about parenting that I'd like to share:

"Parents and teachers should see beyond the little girl in pigtails and should not be misled by the ragged little boy with a dirty face and holes in the knees of his pants. True teachers and leaders see children as they may become. They see the valiant missionary who will one day share his testimony with the world and later become a righteous father who honors his priesthood. The inspired teacher sees pure and beautiful mothers and future presidents of the Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary, even though today they may be girls who giggle and chatter on the back row in the classroom. Sometimes people say, "Well, boys will be boys!" Not so --boys will be men, and almost before we know it.

To see our children grow, succeed, and take their places in society and in the Lord's kingdom is an eternal reward worth any inconvenience or sacrifice."

- M. Russel Ballard

What more needs to be said! Enjoy those little ones!

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