Monday, September 13, 2010

First day of school...round 2!

School Buddies!
Jax's first day of Preschool
A cake to celebrate the first day. You can't really see but it had stars and flowers so everyone was happy!
Kena's first day of school.

Kenadee started preschool last week...and when I picked her up on Wednesday, her teacher told me that even though we won't be having an IEP meeting until the end of the month, they are positive Jax will need some speech help. So today he gets to go with her! They go in the afternoons, so it'll be during Mason's nap time and I'm not sure what I'll do with myself, but I'm so darn excited for my two little "buddies" to be able to experience school together. These two have a special something between them and it'll be fun for them to get to be together!


Marianne said...

That's so fun Annie! Can you believe it? Kena looks so big and so does Jax! I hope he just loves it. What's his speech difficulty?

Annie said...

He has trouble with annunciation. Bless his heart, a stranger should be able to understand 80% of what he says at this age and the speech therapist said she caught about 10%. So they'll be helping him learn to speak more clearly.

Anonymous said...

It must be a 2nd and 3rd child thing because Emma and Cade are best bud's too. they have to eo everything together. I fear the day they won't be able to bath together and It's coming upon the fast.
Jax is so cute, I love all your kids they are just great. I can understand him can't 80% of the time but Ellis had/has the same problem he does so I guess I'm just practiced up on knowing how to figure it out.
But he'll do great. I'm so excited for all of them.

StarkFamily said...

How cute they get to go together! Congrats Kena and Jax on your first days of school! Have fun mom! :)