Our December started out uneventfully. We finished our Christmas shopping early, and were just enjoying our time together as a little family. And then the sick bug struck! It started with Jaxon. He was simply crabby for almost a week solid. You couldn't even look at his without him tearing out or laying into you, depending on the moment. He'd run a low grade fever, but I didn't think much of it, until he came out of his bedroom one morning with this on his neck! It scared me to death. I've never seen a lymph node that large. Turns out the doctor hadn't either, and we learned that he had strep and an infected node. Luckily with antibiotics, his growth was gone in about a week. Then we had Mason get sick on us. He was so lathargic and sad. I actually had flash backs to him being in the hospital when he was about 9 months old. Super scary. Lucky for us he just needed a few antibiotics to perk right back up. Did I mention that Trace had pink eye too! So much fun!

We spent Christmas this year in Salt Lake. Cory's mother watched our kiddo's while we went downtown for our anniversary. It was wonderful to have some us time. Then the following night we took our kiddo's downtown to see the lights. Mason and Jaxson LOVED the train. There's something magical about it when you're two and Mason couldn't get enough.

Mason liked the lights and he was such a trooper. He walked through all the crowds and people with no complaint. Doesn't he just look angelic in this picture.

And then it was Christmas! I got several shots of people opening presents. This is the older kids with their Innotabs from Santa. I've decided, however, that I'm the worst mommy ever. I didn't get a single picture of Liv, not even one! Her first Christmas and I really dropped the ball. Sigh, hopefully she'll forgive me someday. After a present smorgasbord, we went to Church with Grandma and Papa. It was a beautiful, musical meeting and it was a treat to see Grandpa sing. After chruch, we met Aunt Mandy and Uncle Josh back at the house to open family gifts and just enjoy the day. It was shortly there after that I was told that I should be ready by 9 the next day, because Cory's sisters were taking me to a location to be disclosed at a later date. hmmm

After worrying most of the night that I might come home with a tattoo or nose ring, imagine my surprise and delight when we ended up on the set of Good Things Utah! So much fun. We sat through a taping, and then met the hosts. It was a blast. Followed by a yummy lunch at Johnny Carinos, and then home to a surprise party! One day I hope Cory will learn that I hate surprises, but I'll give it to him that he's great at pulling them off. I had Wyoming friends, and Utah friends, some I hadn't seen in years, all help me celebrate my big 3-0! It was wonderful.
Will you let Cory know that I am sooo offended not to be invited to your party! ;)
Sounds like you had such a wonderful time.
Tattoo or nose ring. Ha! From Mandy and Mikaela.
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