Friday, November 13, 2009

I need to remember...

I love my kids! They are an amazing blessing in my life and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Although I have days when I forget to show it as much as I should. More often then it should happen I find myself feeling bad that we didn't play more, or be silly, or noisy. I give lots of hugs and say "I love you" often enough, but I wonder sometimes if my actions always back up what I feel for my little ones.
I've been following Paul Cardall's blog (link on the side bar) and he posted a quote this evening that I'm going to put on my bathroom mirror, a gentle reminder of what my kids should feel.
"All you need in your life is a mother who loves you and you have within you the power to become a giant among men."


Jalyn said...

I love you!

Marianne said...

Absolutely! That is a great quote! Annie, you have nothing to worry about. You adore your kids and it shows in every word and deed. Don't you worry...we all get tired, frustrated, need a break. The importantn thing is that you have laid the foundation and they will never doubt your love!

J and J Black said...

Just keep on doing all that you are doing and you will have a great family